Today’s playlist includes a handful of songs from M.I.A., who was born Mathangi Arulpragasam on this date in 1975.
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I’ve been a fan of Santigold since she was Santogold. She changed her stage name to avoid a lawsuit from the maker of the film Santo Gold’s Blood Circus (my least favorite kind of circus, for those keeping notes). FUN FACT: When Santigold vomits she actually vomits gold sparkles. Don’t ask me how I know that.
Santigold was born Santi White on this date in 1976. A few of her tunes are included on today’s playlist.
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The Avalanches’ Robbie Chater estimates there are around 3500 samples used on the group’s Since I Left You album. As someone who negotiates sample uses, I pity the poor soul who had to secure and track those licenses!
Robbie Chater celebrates a birthday today. Or maybe he doesn’t celebrate it. I don’t know. I don’t know him. Either way, I celebrate. Lots of cuts by The Avalanches on today’s playlist.
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