The Rascals’ Felix Cavaliere was born on this date in 1942. A few of his band’s hits are included on today’s playlist.
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In seventh grade Spanish class I did an oral presentation about Freddy Fender. During it I played his number one hit “Before the Next Teardrop Falls.” I wanted to play his follow-up hit, “Wasted Days and Wasted Nights,” but Señora Gluck stopped me. “Don’t play that song. I hate that song.” What’s her problema? It’s a perfectly fine single.
If you were at my presentation you’d know that the late Freddy Fender was born Baldemar G. Huerta on this date in 1937. That won’t be on the test. His two biggest hits are included on today’s playlist. That will be.
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I recently read a book about the music of 1971. It was pretty bad. I should have been clued off seeing that the book derived its title from the name of a Rod Stewart album that came out in…1972. The author and I agree that 1971 was a great year for music, though he focused mainly on white acts. Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On, recently named the number one album of all-time in Rolling Stone, was dismissed as being overrated due to white guilt, something the author clearly doesn’t feel. I humbly suggest that the playlist below shows more of the greatness (and diversity) of 1971’s music than this book.
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