Your (Almost) Daily Playlist: 10-2-23

In the same room where Ian Fleming wrote James Bond novels Sting of The Police wrote what he called a “nasty little song” about his feelings of jealousy and obsession over his first wife following their divorce. I’m not sure if hearing the song everywhere helped him get over those feelings, but the money the song generated may have lifted his spirits.

Sting was born on this date in 1951. Lotsa Police songs on today’s playlist.

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Your (Almost) Daily Playlist: 8-26-23

Hearing this band’s early demos, a friend remarked that they sounded like garbage. Voila! This band now had a name. (An alternate version of the origin of their name comes from a journal entry producer Butch Vig wrote as the band kept recording: “I hope that all this garbage will become something beautiful!”)

Garbage’s Shirley Manson was born on this date in 1966. The band is well-represented on today’s playlist.

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Your (Almost) Daily Playlist: 6-14-23

Culture Club’s “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me“ takes me back to Newbury Comics in Cambridge, Massachusetts in late 1982. There was a TV in the shop that showed music videos. That was my first exposure to this song and to Boy George. I was transfixed, partly because the song is so good, and partly because I couldn’t figure out the singer’s gender. We only knew of two genders back then. Though I had not yet been recruited into the homosexual lifestyle, I became fascinated with Boy George. It helped that his band’s music was so good, for a while anyway. His solo catalogue has some worthwhile numbers as well.

Boy George was born on this date in 1961.

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